Saturday, May 3, 2014

a new graduate

Say hello to my hunky husband.  Oh and me.

I finally graduated.  It was great, and fun, and all that good stuff :)  No really, it was super awesome!  I just have been pretty much done for a year, only had to finish my recital to graduate.  So it didn't feel like a real graduation because I haven't been in school.  Haha, but it is setting in.  I got an email the other day saying my degree had been posted and my copy would be mailed out to me in the next couple of months.  Whoo hoo!  So I really am very excited.  Our little man was a champ all day long.  He was so good and totally crashed on the way home, it was a long day for an almost 6 month old :)  So, without further ado, I present to you myself, a brand new graduate.  I'll be here all week folks...
