What the heck is galumphing?

In a world of constant planning and looking towards the future, sometimes we need to take a step back and enjoy ourselves a bit.  When scientists were watching baby tigers play, they wanted to come up with a word to describe what they were observing.  They called it galumphing.  To galumph is to do something for the pure fun of it.  You can have absolutely no ulterior motives.  It can't be "I want to organize my closet because I think it will be fun and it will make me feel better."  Because that's a task you've been putting off (that was one of my first thoughts...).  It really is quite hard to think of things to do.  I first heard of galumphing in a class I took.  The teacher was quite brilliant and made us do one galumph each week.  We had to plan it out, and do it alone.  It has to be selfish and fun for you and you only.  After the class was over, I kept on wanting to do some more galumphing.  I came up with this.  I have always wanted to start a blog dedicated to stuff I wanted to do.  So here it is.  Galumphing.  In High Heels.  Because I like fun.  And shoes. 

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