Tuesday, August 19, 2014

getting to know me, day 7 (last day folks)

Question 10.  Who is your celebrity crush?
Answer 10.  I don't really crush on celebrities, but I do love a good movie character. 
I love Thor.  Eep!!
Question 11.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
Answer 11.  People chewing with their mouths open.  I cannot handle it.
Fact 10.  If I don't write things down, I do NOT remember them!  I swear I am like an old lady.  And not just since I was preggo either.  I just have the worst memory for things like grocery lists.  I still use an old time planner too, if I type it into my phone it does not even help at all.
Fact 11.  I try my hardest to finish the shampoo and conditioner bottles at the same time.  It is totally a game for me every time I get in the tub.  Haha, I'm always weighing them in my hands and trying to guess which one has more. 
Bonus fact.  After reading the above fact I realized I may be a little OCD...don't tell.
On to new things!  Can't wait to share some fun projects with you!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

getting to know me, day 6

Question 8.  Are you a morning person or a night owl?

Answer 8.  Neither.  I used to be such a night owl before I got married.  I loved staying up late and sleeping in.  Then it just changed.  Now I would love to be in bed early and still sleep in!
I believe that is what we call lazy.  We can be honest here, it's a safe place.

Question 9.  What is a quote that inspires you?

Answer 9.  "People are like stained-glass windows.  They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is only revealed if there is a light from within."
-Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
"Motherhood is not a hobby, it's a calling.  You do not collect children because you find them cuter than stamps.  It is not something to do if you can squeeze the time in.  It's what God gave you time for."
-Neil L. Anderson

Fact 8.  I have a hard time finishing long projects.  I must have a short attention span or something because I get distracted with something new so easily.  I feel like it is getting better though, so maybe there's hope for me.

Fact 9.  I love things to be clean and I actually like cleaning but for some reason I have the hardest time actually starting the cleaning process.  Once I do though, watch out.  It will be clean and pretty much everything will be thrown away.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

getting to know me, day 5

Again, two questions and facts.  I am sort of wanting to post about other things so I'm trying to hurry it up!  I have a project that is almost done that I'm so excited about!  I should be all done tomorrow night so maybe I can post about it on Tuesday.
Question 6.  What is your guilty pleasure TV show?
Answer 6.  Round here we love Big Bang Theory!  I can't wait for the new season to start, especially after Leonard and Penny got engaged!!!  Who saw that coming?  Not this girl, at least not yet.  I really want to watch Downton Abbey but haven't every gotten around to it, which is probably a good thing.  I'm way to busy to watch a lot of TV.
Question 7.  What is your favorite way to work out?
Answer 7.  I hate all forms.  Ok maybe not.
Ok maybe yes.
I really don't enjoy working out.  Is that horrible of me?  Running is the absolute worst for me though!  I would rather do almost anything than go running.  I guess strength training and playing tennis would be the least evil ways that I can think of.
Fact 6.  I have broken my wrist twice, collar bone once, ankle once (which required two surgeries; one to put screws in and one to take said screws out), and possibly cracked two ribs. 
Fact 7.  The way I broke my collar bone is really funny.  I used to be so embarrassed by this story but now it's just hilarious.  I was riding my bike and ran into a stop sign.  Not a yield sign, or a speed limit sign...a stop sign.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

getting to know me, day 4

Two questions and facts for you all today!
Question 4.  What is your favorite healthy food?
Answer 4.  I think health is totally an opinion.  Some people say no carbs, others say no protein, others say no fats.  You get my drift?  I guess I'll go with something that isn't a treat or dessert and everyone can decide for themselves if it's healthy.  This is a hard choice!  I loooove food!  And I love to cook!  My most favorite food is steak...that isn't too bad right?  Just a big ol' block of protein.  My favorite veggie would probably be celery.  I could eat the stuff all day.  My favorite fruit is peaches!  They are so yummy!  My in-laws make homemade ice cream and this summer they made a few batches of peach ice cream that were absolutely delicious!
Wow.  We went from healthy food to ice cream in about 3 seconds there.  Can ya say distracted? 
Question 5.  Where is the most amazing place you have ever been?
Answer 5.  I as born in Germany and I'm pretty sure that was the most amazing place I've ever been but since I was only 4 months old when my family moved back to America I guess that can't count.  We lived in Alaska when I was younger for a couple of years and it definitely qualifies as an amazing place.  The landscape, wildlife, and weather (just to name a few) are incredible!
Fact 4.  I come from a family of 7 children.  5 girls and 2 boys.
Fact 5.  If I am wearing a baggy T-shirt (you know, the kind you get from participating in a choir or sports team) I subconsciously pull it up over my mouth (and sometimes nose) all the time.  It drives my husband nuts!  I am doing it right now...good thing he isn't home ;)  Whenever he sees me do it he asks what stinks.  And when I say nothing, he just sighs.  Ah the glamorous life I lead.

Monday, August 4, 2014

getting to know me, day 3

Question 3.  How did you and your husband meet?
Answer 3.  This is my favorite story of all time!  Except for maybe our first date, but that is for a different day.  
Speaking of my hubby, I'm not really sure what to call him on this blog.  I'm trying to stay away from naming him or my baby.  I need to decide on that I guess.  But again, I digress!  

We first met when I was 15 and he was 21.  He had just returned from a mission for our church.  His mom had volunteered him to play the lead role in a church play that my aunt just happened to be directing.  I went to the play to help with refreshments and watch.  He played the role of Joseph Smith.  And let me tell you, he was the most handsome Joseph Smith ever!  I couldn't take my eyes off him and was completely in love.  I was thrilled afterwards when he came up to me and asked me about myself!!!  I pretty much swooned over his big blue eyes.  After we chatted for a few minutes we both went our separate ways.  I remember asking my mom on the way home if she thought that in a year, when I was 16, he would date me.  She told me yes (what else was she supposed to say to her baby daughter??) and worried over how she would console me when he inevitably got married in six months or less.  Well, he didn't get married in six months.  I kept track of him and he kept track of me for the next few years.  Whenever my mom or I would see him we would tell the other, "I saw Old Blue Eyes today!"
Did I just stumble upon some inspiration for his name?  Perhaps perhaps.

  I literally wished on stars that he wouldn't get married so we could date when I was older.  Four years later, after lots of boyfriends for me and lots of girlfriends for him, we "met" again.  This time, the timing (and my age...) was right and we started dating.

the two of us on our honeymoon

Fact 3.  I like to write long and wordy posts.  I just don't feel like myself when I try to keep things short.  Hopefully that is ok with ya'll!
