Monday, July 21, 2014

getting to know me, getting to know all about me

Has anyone out there seen The King and I?  If so, that title will make sense to you.  If not, get yoself out the door and rent that movie!  It's pretty much great (if you like musicals, cheesy acting, and happiness).  I was nominated by a friend of mine named Mollie for the Liebster Award.  She reads my private blog.  I am pretty sure I did it last year there, so I thought I'd do it this year here. I'm going to change things up a bit and do one question a day (or so) because I tend to get wordy and the post would be forevvvvver long.  I figure it might be a good way to get to know me anyhow!  You are supposed to write 11 facts about yourself and then answer 11 questions posed to you by the nominator.  I tend to get a little wordy so I figured I'd answer a question or two a day and give you a fact or two as well.  Then this post won't be so long!
Question 1.  What is one item you cannot live without?
Answer 1.  This is sort of a hard one I think.  My brain keeps thinking about like a hair or makeup product because that is what I always hear.  But I don't really feel all that attached to things like that.  I would have to say my blanket.  Wow.  I just realized I am such a little kid!  But seriously, I can't fall asleep without a blanket tucked underneath my cheek.  It just doesn't work.  And if I can't sleep, then I'll die right?  So I literally cannot live without that thing. 
Fact 1.  I am almost 7 years younger than my hubby.
Tell me about you!  I'd love to hear little tidbits.


  1. I love that yo are doing this!! I think you are the only one I nominated to do it :) You're way smart to break it up like this, I like it! :)

    1. Thanks Mollie! And thanks for the nomination! :)
